Our Services

Strategic Advisory Services

Often the pressure to get results can lead people to identify solutions without fully understanding the real need or what the project is trying to accomplish. The project may look busy but time and money can be wasted, leading to costly mistakes.

Our advisory team will apply focus and discipline to your programmes and projects including the application and practice of MSP (Managing Successful Programmes). We advise on three categories of programmes:

  • Vision-led – Top-down transformational programmes requiring a clear vision and alignment to your corporate strategy
  • Emergent – Fusion of complementary projects and tasks to exploit synergies and reduce time, cost, risk (or any combination)
  • Compliance – Legislative, market driven, or time-sensitive programmes that must be commissioned and completed to meet specific mandates

The focus of our strategic advisory work is to enhance quality decision-making and reduce programme risk. In turn, this will inform and enhance governance workstreams, allowing us to work closely with you in each situation to drive and deliver successful outcomes. These outcomes may be competitive advantages, digital transformation, infrastructure disruption and resilience, or simply organisational maturity. 

The benefits of our strategic advisory services are:

  • Gain clarity on problems and discover the most appropriate whole-of-life, value-for-money solution
  • Planning, preparing and facilitating stakeholder engagement 
  • Developing virtual reality scenarios to help demonstrate the preferred option to stakeholders
  • Support to challenge, coordinate and deliver investment proposals to obtain funding for capital and operational infrastructure projects
  • Support to establish and operate programme/project teams to achieve a successful outcomes
  • Get the job done and enhance your overall capability
  • Reduce your project overheads through the discovery and feasibility stages
  • Set standards, improve consistency and measure improvements via your project documentation
  • Apply consistent standards to improve communication and information management, centralise data, reduce costs, and create better visibility of dashboards and risks
  • Alignment of projects or tasks results in better sequencing between, and across, projects – often reducing time, programme risk or project cost